A downloadable game for Windows


Sanael here, I'm a gamer and french speaker Youtuber. My dream is to become a video game conceptor.

This is my first released game called Super Nael Adventure, the main character name is Nael and he has to find his way through a maze of platforms and battle against the evil B-Bots.

The game is very short and it was made using Unreal Engine 4.

The sprites and the background music are private works.

The background music was made by an online friend of mine named "The Spectralist".

If you enjoy the demo please consider supporting me by donating on my Ko-fi, I'm still working very hard on my dream project. I hope this game will start everything for me.

My Email : naelsanlyn@gmail.com

My Discord : sanael_goober

My Ko-Fi : https://ko-fi.com/sanlynjyn

The Spectralist Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/the-spectralist

Have fun.

                                                                                                 --Sanlyn / Sanael


Super Nael Adventure v1.1.rar 106 MB

Install instructions

To play the game just extract the folder and open the Shortcut within the Folder called :


(You can also find it in the folder "Super Nael Adventure")

Development log


Log in with itch.io to leave a comment.

The game has been updated, version 1.1 :

- Fixed music looping issue.

- Boss health has been nerfed to 500.

- Fixed ZQSD and WASD movements underwater.

- Fixed Arrowed Block location issue.

- Fixed Nael crouch.

- Fixed fragile ice.

- Fragile ice will now break faster.

- Fixed jump issue.


